Wednesday, 15 November 2023





Summons, Agenda, Minutes

and Reports









You are summoned to attend the Quarterly Meeting of the Council.  This meeting is being held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Northallerton on Wednesday, 15 November 2023at 10.30 am, at which the following business will be transacted.


The meeting of the Council is being held as an in-person meeting and in public. The Council Chamber will be well ventilated and air purifiers will be installed. Face coverings and hand sanitiser will be made available. Please try to stay at home if you are unwell, take a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms, and stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you test positive.


The meeting will be available to view once the meeting commences, via the following link - 


Please contact the named supporting officer for the committee, if you have any queries or concerns.







Minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2023


To move that the Minutes of the Quarterly Meeting held on 19 July 2023, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



(Pages 9 - 28)







Apologies for absence










Declarations of Interest










Chairman's Announcements


Any correspondence, communication or other business brought forward by the direction of the Chairman of the Council.










Statement by the Leader of the Council



(Pages 29 - 30)







Public Questions or Statements


Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice and provided the text to Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services – email: or in writing to Barry Khan, Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services, County Hall, Northallerton DL7 8AD by midday on Friday, 10 November 2023.  Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item.


If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.










To consider the report and recommendations of the Executive and make decisions on them


·         Proposed amendment to the Pay Policy

·         Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024/25



(Pages 31 - 36)







Amendments to the Council's Constitution


Consideration of proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution.  Subject to any comments Members may have, to approve the proposed amendments to the Constitution.



(Pages 37 - 120)







North Yorkshire Economic Growth Strategy for Adoption


To consider and adopt an Economic Development Strategy for North Yorkshire.



(Pages 121 - 218)







Report and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for North Yorkshire Council 2024/25


To consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for 2024/25.



(Pages 219 - 238)







To consider the report and recommendations of the Audit Committee


·         Annual Report



(Pages 239 - 250)







To consider the report and recommendations of the Pension Board


·         Annual Report



(Pages 251 - 282)







Appointment to Committees according to proportionality



(Pages 283 - 294)







Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies



(Pages 295 - 298)







Adoption of the Corporate Calendar of committee meetings for 2024/25



(Pages 299 - 326)







Statements of Executive Members and Chairmen of Overview and Scrutiny Committees









Executive Members:








Executive Member for Culture, Arts and Housing - Councillor Simon Myers



(Pages 327 - 330)







Executive for Children and Families - Councillor Janet Sanderson



(Pages 331 - 334)







Executive Member for Managing our Environment - Councillor Greg White



(Pages 335 - 338)







Executive Member for Education, Learning and Skills - Councillor Annabel Wilkinson



(Pages 339 - 342)







Executive Member for Finance and Assets - Councillor Gareth Dadd



(Pages 343 - 344)







Executive Member for Open to Business - Councillor Derek Bastiman



(Pages 345 - 348)







Executive Member for Corporate Services - Councillor David Chance



(Pages 349 - 356)







Executive Member for Highways and Transportation - Councillor Keane Duncan



(Pages 357 - 358)







Executive Member for Health and Adult Services - Councillor Michael Harrison



(Pages 359 - 360)






Overview and Scrutiny Chairs








Scrutiny Board (Chair:  Councillor Karin Sedgwick)



(Pages 361 - 362)







Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair:  Councillor Malcolm Taylor)



(Pages 363 - 364)







Care and Independence and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair:  Councillor Karin Sedgwick)



(Pages 365 - 366)







Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair:  Councillor Andrew Williams)



(Pages 367 - 368)







Scrutiny of Health (Chair:  Councillor Andrew Lee)



(Pages 369 - 370)







Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair:  Councillor David Staveley)



(Pages 371 - 372)









Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Chair:  Councillor Barbara Brodigan)



(Pages 373 - 374)







Notices of Motion


1)         Increase electricity grid generation and import capacity across North Yorkshire


Following the response from Northern Power Grid to the motion calling for increased capacity to be provided in North Yorkshire, this council resolves to follow up with a request for further information, action plans and a roadmap for delivery to increase electricity grid generation and import capacity across North Yorkshire from Northern Power Grid, National Grid and Ofgem.


Furthermore, this council will write to the relevant Minister at the Dept of Energy Security and Net Zero to register our serious concerns on the issue and request information on government support for immediate action to resolve the issue.


Proposer: Councillor Steve Mason

Seconder: Councillor Bryn Griffiths


2)         Delays to 2030 climate change target


This council notes with regret, the watering down of net zero targets, announced recently by the Prime Minister, including delaying the ban on petrol and diesel cars and other measures beyond 2030. This council believes that delays to 2030 target implementation will impact adversely on the national net zero target date of 2050, and will stall the overarching direction of travel and opportunities for action to tackle climate change across North Yorkshire and achieve net zero by 2034, as identified by this council in its climate change strategy.


The council resolves to write to the minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, the Right Honourable Graham Stuart MP, expressing our concerns that these proposals will make the council’s climate change strategy more difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.


Proposer: Councillor Andrew Murday

Seconder: Councillor Bryn Griffiths.


3)      United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


Background - the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) are a set of 17 goals that aim to address global challenges and foster sustainable development worldwide. These goals cover a range of issues, including strong economic growth, strong institutions, poverty eradication, equality, clean energy, climate action, and nature protections, among others.


Motion to Council - A more equitable, sustainable, and resilient North Yorkshire

This Council notes with concern the recent Special Report from the United Nations Secretary General – Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: towards a rescue plan for people and planet“-  published in July 2023 to mark the midpoint between 2015 and the delivery date of 2030.


The Secretary General finds that “… many of the Goals are moderately to severely off track and puts forward five major recommendations to rescue the Goals and accelerate implementation between now and 2030.


This Council notes the third of those recommendations, calling upon Governments to “… strengthen national and subnational capacity, accountability and public institutions to deliver accelerated progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.”  Furthermore, this council recognises the main reasons of the Local Government Association as to why councils should investigate and implement the UNSDGs:


  • Making progress towards these comprehensive and universal global goals by 2030 will depend on action at the local level, and councils are key actors at that level.
  • The SDGs can help focus efforts on the health and wellbeing of people that are the furthest behind.
  • Engagement with the SDGs supports and complements the declaration of a climate emergency.
  • The SDGs can provide councils with a framework for strategic planning, policy review and action for sustainable development – for economic progress, social justice and inclusion, protection of the climate, environment and biodiversity, and ensuring no one is left behind.
  • The SDGs can help councils to foster strategic partnerships, framing joint actions and shared priorities in terms of the goals.
  • The resource burden for initial engagement with the SDGs is low.


To that end, North Yorkshire Council resolves to adopt the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) as a framework for informing our local authority's policies, work programs, functions, and initiatives.  By doing so, we commit to aligning our strategies with the national and global agenda for sustainable development and working towards achieving these goals within our sphere of influence; thus recognising the significance of the UN SDGs as a comprehensive framework for sustainable development at the global level. We shall seek to apply the UN SDGs at the local level for the wellbeing of our residents.


The Council believes that:


  1. Adopting the UN SDGs will provide a clear direction for our local authority's policies, work programs, and initiatives, ensuring their alignment with the national and global agenda for sustainable development.
  2. Emphasising the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships will help in implementing the UN SDGs effectively.
  3. Committing to regular monitoring, reporting, and evaluation of our progress towards achieving the UN SDGs is vital to engage our community in the process.
  4. Encouraging cooperation and knowledge-sharing with other local authorities across the UK and world that have already adopted the UN SDGs, will help in promoting collective action and learning both locally and globally.


The Council therefore agrees to:


  1. Adopt the UN SDGs as a framework for informing our local authority's policies, work programs, and initiatives.
  2. Contribute to the achievement of the UN SDGs through the council strategies and developing plans.
  3. Actively engage and collaborates with other local authorities, organisations, and community groups to share best practices, experiences, and lessons learned in advancing the UN SDGs.
  4. Receive an annual report setting out the Council’s contributions to the global agenda for sustainable development.


By taking this step, we can also demonstrate our commitment to act at a local level whilst contributing to the global effort to achieve a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient world for future generations.


Proposer Cllr. Steve Mason

Seconder Cllr. Peter Lacey










Motion calling on trail hunting referred from Council on 19 July 2023 - recommendations from the Corporate and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee



(Pages 375 - 378)







Motion on water quality referred from Council on 19 July 2023 - recommendation from the Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee



(Pages 379 - 386)







Use of special urgency procedures since the last meeting of Council - Report of the Leader



(Pages 387 - 392)







Council Procedure Rule 10 Questions











Chief Executive Officer


Assistant Chief Executive

Legal and Democratic Services


County Hall,



Tuesday, 7 November 2023




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